This page includes curated resources related to infrastructure opportunities, student-centered learning, community-based design, partnership development, equitable impact, and sustainable scaling. All links and resources are provided for informational purposes only.

Illustrative infrastructure opportunities

Examples of physical, digital, and social infrastructure that can deliver and connect learning experiences across contexts.

This list offers illustrative examples that entrants can consider incorporating into their solutions. Entrants are not limited to the opportunities listed here, nor are they required to incorporate infrastructure from each category into their solutions. Entrants are encouraged to draw on their communities’ unique expertise and assets to incorporate infrastructure that best meets student needs and cohesively facilitates digital, in-person, and community-based learning experiences — at scale.

Physical infrastructure

Transportation. Resource constraints often prevent the implementation of innovative learning models in communities that need them the most, and bridging this gap through transportation can extend access to historically underserved communities, fostering more equitable outcomes.

Community spaces. Community spaces — from parks to libraries to new facilities — can expand access to learning models and enhance their efficacy at scale by meeting learners where they are.

Tech-integrated spaces and equipment. Tech-integrated spaces can support learning model scaling, as they broaden access to educational resources and to different communities, offer data-driven personalized or experiential learning pathways (using, for example, VR and AR tools), and create efficiencies for teachers. 

In-school spaces. Redesigning and equipping school rooms and buildings, such as in-school spaces that simulate the workplace for career and technical education (CTE), can help bring learning models to life at scale.

Digital infrastructure

Interoperable systems. Interoperability is an important consideration when embedding innovative models in different contexts and environments, enabling multiple data inputs, and connecting models within a larger system.

Digital credentials and data portability systems. Portable data can help tailor learning experiences to students’ needs and interests and support verification of students’ learning competencies and qualifications across different contexts.

Evaluation, feedback, and decision-making systems. Innovative, data-driven ways to evaluate students’ progress and performance, and gain feedback and methods for supporting teacher decision-making, help to personalize and adapt learning models across different contexts.

Algorithm and data models for customization. Continuous improvement facilitated by real-time feedback further ensures that personalized and accessible education remains at the forefront of scalable models.

Aggregation, navigation, and collaboration platforms and tools. Digital platforms can aggregate community and work-based learning experiences, help students navigate and choose opportunities, and assist multisector partners to collaborate cohesively.

Social infrastructure

Community partnerships. Sharing and exchanging assets to support learning everywhere will depend significantly on fostering strategic multisector partnerships throughout the community and beyond.

Work-based learning partnerships. Work-based learning (WBL) opportunities offer a practical real-world dimension to education that extend beyond the classroom. Scaling these partnerships increases and diversifies the types of WBL experiences available.

Social networks or capital. The effectiveness of learning models is highly dependent on their networks. The constrained networks of under-resourced students underscore the need for leveraging social networks or platforms to break down barriers for making models effective at scale and allowing them to grow.

Teacher support and professional development. Effectively scaling learning models within the community and alleviating burdensome responsibilities for teachers requires a comprehensive plan and training that maps engagement and builds capacity accordingly.

Governance structure and collaboration frameworks. Effective governance can scale learning models across communities by establishing a framework for collaboration, accountability, and adaptability across diverse needs and fostering successful and sustainable implementation.

Multidimensional community infrastructure

An overview and examples of multidimensional infrastructure and community-based design as they pertain to education.
Schools as Community Infrastructure
Siegel Family Endowment

Building on Siegel Family Endowment’s first white paper unpacking the need for a multidimensional approach to infrastructure, this white paper outlines how viewing schools as community infrastructure can lead to positive student and community outcomes.

Building the Infrastructure of Tomorrow: An Action Guide
Aspen Institute

This report outlines the opportunities and challenges facing a multidimensional approach and offers recommendations for mindsets, metrics, and money.

Transform Learning with Community-Based Design
Transcend Education

This tool is intended to assist schools, communities, and systems in recognizing the effectiveness of community-based design as a method for reshaping learning environments and expanding opportunities.

K-12 Digital Infrastructure Brief: Adequate and Future Proof
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology

This article underscores the need for building and sustaining digital infrastructure in education, highlighting key considerations such as future-proofing, digital equity, and financial sustainability to ensure safe, accessible, and effective learning environments.

Student-centered learning

An overview of student-centered learning, and existing examples and best practices to build upon.
A Transformational Vision for Education in the U.S.
Education Reimagined

This white paper offers rationale for the need to transform education through a learner-centered paradigm and offers key design components to implement learner-centered approaches.

Out of the Box: How Innovative Learning Models Can Transform K-12 Education
New Classrooms and Transcend Education

This plan offers recommendations for government, philanthropic, and school system leaders to effectively implement innovative student-centered learning models at scale.

Why We Should Embrace Student-Centered Learning
Stand Together

This article highlights the importance of student-centered learning — and how accessible, personalized, and relevant education enhances student engagement and fosters critical thinking skills.

An Ecosystem Approach to Unleashing Learner-Centered Transformation
Education Reimagined

This article outlines a holistic ecosystem approach to education that could enable transformative learner centricity.


Actionable guidance and tools for ensuring that education interventions are equitable in process (how they are designed, managed, and governed) as well as in outcome (how project benefits are distributed).
Building for Equity: A Guide for Inclusive School Redesign
Center for Collaborative Education

This toolkit for equity-focused school redesign offers practical strategies, policies, and practices to ensure equitable student outcomes.

Racial Equity Toolkit
Government Alliance on Race and Equity

This toolkit is designed to integrate explicit consideration of racial equity in decision-making, and to develop strategies and actions that reduce racial inequities and improve success for all groups.

National Equity Atlas
PolicyLink and USC Equity Research Institute

This resource rates communities based on key measures of inclusive prosperity.

Collaborating for Equity and Justice: Moving Beyond Collective Impact
Nonprofit Quarterly

This article critiques the public sector model of “collective impact” and provides six principles for collaborative practice that promotes equity and justice.

How Infrastructure Has Historically Promoted Inequality
PBS News Hour

The article outlines how past U.S. infrastructure projects have deepened systemic inequities, and how future efforts (including the historic $2.3 trillion of federal investments committed in recent years) can avert and even help rectify these disparities.

Partnership development and project management

Tools and templates to support the identification, establishment, and management of community-based partnerships and projects.
The Importance of Educational Partnerships
“Educational Partnerships” by Amy Cox-Peterson

This book chapter outlines clear definitions of educational partnerships and reasons for promoting them within schools and classrooms.

Partnership Toolkit

This toolkit provides practical steps to help create a successful partnership, write an effective partnership agreement, and get collaboration off to a good start.

Community Toolbox
University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development

This cross-cutting resource bank provides tools to assess community needs and resources, address social determinants of health, engage stakeholders, conduct action planning, build leadership, improve cultural competency, plan an evaluation, and sustain efforts over time.

Defining and measuring impact

Guidance on how to develop a theory of change for a student-centered project, as well as develop and track measurements to assess and report on project efficacy.
User Guide: Measuring and Improving Student-Centered Learning Toolkit
Nellie Mae Education Foundation and Rand Corporation

This toolkit offers various tips to evaluate student-centered learning.

Theory of Change Template

This is a simple one-page template to help draft a theory of change by defining goals and stating how they will be achieved.

M&E Fundamentals

This self-guided mini-course provides an in-depth overview of the fundamental principles for monitoring and evaluation, and examples and case studies to demonstrate the concepts.

Participatory Evaluation Essentials
Bruner Foundation

This training manual provides an overview of participatory program evaluation methodologies and in-depth tools, templates, and protocols to conduct monitoring and evaluation.

Scalability and sustainability

Guidance on how to integrate considerations of scalability throughout concept design and develop a scaling strategy and appropriate scale goals.
Scaling up: From Vision to Large-Scale Change
Management Systems International

This resource for practitioners provides a variety of tools and templates to develop a scaling plan, establish the preconditions for scale, and manage the scaling process.

Real-Time Scaling Lab Guidelines
Brookings Institute

This education-focused resource provides guidelines for establishing a “real-time scaling lab,” the process of collaboratively documenting, learning from, and supporting ongoing efforts to scale and sustain the impact of an initiative.

Expanding the Reach of Education Reforms: What Have We Learned About Scaling Up Educational Interventions?
Rand Corporation

The document shares insights and experiences from leaders in external-reform provider organizations regarding the practical implications of scaling up educational interventions, serving as a resource for those involved in education reform development and implementation.

Disclaimer: This website contains information and resources from public and private organizations that may be useful to the reader. Inclusion of this information does not constitute an endorsement by Siegel Family Endowment, the Walton Family Foundation, or Luminary Labs of any products or services offered or views expressed. 

This website also contains hyperlinks and URLs created and maintained by third-party organizations, which are provided for the reader’s convenience. Siegel Family Endowment, the Walton Family Foundation, and Luminary Labs are not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained therein.